Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The World

      Moonlit Tarot Cards

All people, all things
Dance with organic embrace
Liberated play

The World reminds us that all things are possible.  You are connected to every being in the universe and you have all the support that you need. Enjoy abundance. Keep your faith as it will ensure a steady flow of support materially, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. The world is full of blessings and light. Accept blessings as they come to you and enjoy the light in your life. You have manifested new opportunities and you can experience these gifts right now.

Tarot for Self-Care: Judgement

        Moonlit Tarot
Gazing inwardly
Eyes watching for miracles
Calling us to fly

Judgement tells you to revisit your core values and reexamine your life.  Eliminate any superficial foundations which do not align with your higher self and your dreams.  Renovate your self care plan. Judgement also reassures us that no matter how many times we fail, we always have the opportunity to be reborn and to try again. Live your purpose and following your calling.

Tarot for Self-Care: The Sun

      Moonlit Tarot
Exude acceptance
Integration of light waves
Energy giver

The Sun is a card of movement, energy, and effort!  Rather than surrender to self-pity, laziness, negativity, or frustration, you must utilize your inner power for you are stronger than you think.  When the going gets tough the tough get going.  The sun is the ultimate symbol of self reliance.  Without the sun’s warmth, light, and energy our entire galaxy would be a bleak, cold, desolate place.  Act with tenacity and drive.  With effort and determination, you will overcome all challenges that confront you.

Tarot for Self-Care: The Moon

         Moonlit Tarot

Dreaming with soul strength
Connections rising by winds
Mountains of water

The Moon encourages you to follow your dreams.  Put your hopes and dreams at the forefront of your mind and believe without a doubt that they are really coming true.  Pay no mind to fear or competition because the universe is abundant and there is no limitation.  Even when you feel like success is way beyond your reach, never give up on your dreams because they really will come true.

Tarot for Self-Care: The Star

           Moonlit Tarot

Forgive the present
Dissolving disharmony
May energy flow

The Star urges you to forgive yourself and others for any past actions that may have caused you pain.  Heal any unresolved anger, hate, jealousy,resentment, or guilt that is blocking your success.  Such emotions are toxic to your body and hold you back.  for the sake of your health and future happiness you must forgive the past.  Forgiveness does not necessarily mean blessing, forgetting, or condoning the unsavory behavior.  Rather, it means releasing yourself from a self created prison so you can move forward with your life.  when you come to accept and move on from real or perceived betrayals you create a happier future built on freedom and inner peace.  Bitterness only attracts disharmony misery and pain.  Forgiveness is the best way to set your spirit free.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The Tower

       Moonlit Tarot
Inhale the chaos
Serenity in turmoil
Surprise destruction

The Tower surprises us with disaster, chaos, and destruction.  On some level, we know that these events are a part of life but that knowing never dissipates the feelings of shock, confusion, and trauma.  The best thing we can do is to make room for these events in our self care plans.  Who can you go to in a crisis?  What are your resources?  If you create healthy rituals in your daily life, these rituals can provide healing and sustenance in the most trying times.  In the midst of crisis or trauma, it is so important to reach out to others.  Offer your support when you can because so often traumatized beings disconnect, and won't ask for help.  Trauma has no words.  The storm will pass.

Tarot for Self-Care: The Devil

         Moonlit Tarot
Summoning fire
Twisted, wicked fantasy
Dreaming in shadows

The Devil reminds us that everybody has a shadow side that needs to be acknowledged, embraced, and loved.  But when you learn to rise above it, you can make your dreams come true.  Recognize and rise above ego-based thoughts and behaviors , for humility and authenticity are the keys to your success.  Swallow your pride to improve your current situation and your quality of life.  By admitting when you’re wrong and choosing to see another’s point of view you raise your vibrations.  Let go of your need to be right or in control.  To overpower, belittle, or punish another goes against the nature of your soul.  When you have the courage to own up to your own mistakes you build character, inner strength, and self-esteem.  It opens the door for resolution and creates better relationships with others.  

Tarot for Self-Care: Temperance

 Moonlit Tarot
   Graceful gaiety
Swing simple with the balance
Preserve the pleasure

Temperance advises us to practice moderation.  Exercise restraint and self-control in every area of your life.  Avoid overeating, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, over-medicating, overspending, exercising excessively, consuming too much sugar or coffee, gambling, or otherwise overindulging or engaging in obsessive or aggressive behavior.  Focus on balancing your desire for freedom and adventure with your responsibilities.

Tarot for Self-Care: Death

           Moonlit Tarot
Let go and transform
Releasing pain to the skies
Unraveling lives

Death encourages us to let go of the past and to let go of things in our lives that are no longer viable.  What doors will you close?  What burdens will you let go of?  Remember you only have one life, so make every day count.  Let go of the old to make room for the new.  This may relate to a particular mindset, behavior, friendship, job, residence, or relationship you have outgrown.  Move forward with confidence towards bigger and better things.  Stay in the present moment.

Tarot for Self-Care: The Hanged Man

            Moonlit Tarot
Flipping faces up
Suspend the will to control
Freely give release

The Hanged Man This card indicates a need to take a time out from your busy schedule and the hustle and bustle of life. Perhaps you have been working too hard or you have a lot going on. maybe you have been tired, irritable and anxious or just generally feeling unwell.  If you have been under stress of any kind or have been spending time in a negative or toxic environment, you must remove yourself from the situation to heal and recharge.  Consider taking a day off.  Turn off your electronics.  Relax your body and your mind by soaking in a hot bath, taking a walk in nature, reading a good book, or listening to music.  Unwind, center yourself, and feel a sense of renewal

Tarot for Self-Care: Strength

     Moonlit Tarot
Gentle creature child
Exalt your brave compassion
Softly waging peace

Strength reminds us to be kind and compassionate toward others.  look beyond your judgments and see all earthly beings as your kin.  Open your heart and mind to see others through the eyes of love.  Observation without judgement is your key to success.  You are a peace-lover at heart. Know that you deserve peace and accept it graciously.

Tarot for Self-Care: The Wheel of Fortune

           Moonlit Tarot

Cosmic rotation
Spins through infinite forces
The wheel reinvents

The Wheel of Fortune shows us that there is a time for all things.  We are always moving through cycles of luck and destiny.  The only constant we have is change.  Change is constant like the ebb and flow of the tides.  The advice of the wheel is to develop self-reliance through all of life's cycles.  Be prepared and open to the future and whatever it brings.  Whatever goes up must come down.  Adapt to the highs and lows of your life.  Say yes to life by continuing to take chances and spin the wheel with the hopes of a beautiful surprise awaiting you in the next cycle.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The Hermit

    Moonlit Tarot

   Walking with wisdom
Patiently, proudly, daring to
Elevate a dream

The Hermit reminds us to stop and enjoy the present moment.  Rather than taking action, evaluate your progress and clarify your dreams.  Take time to pace yourself and live life.  Focus your energy and attention on your inner knowledge.  Peace of mind means feeling secure. You feel serene, even in the midst of great turmoil. Be patient and still.  Break away from the crowd to connect with your true, authentic self.  Take the road less traveled and take pride in your individuality.  It is impossible to please everybody so focus on pleasing yourself.  

Tarot for Self-Care: Justice

     Moonlit Tarot

Be fair with yourself
Using scales of honesty
Measure from the heart

Justice reminds us to balance our time between work, play, spirituality, exercise, and relationships.  Balancing life in this way helps us grow and feel joy.  If you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities don't hesitate to lighten the load.  Stay true to yourself.  Never compromise your values or lower your standards.

Tarot for Self-Care: The Chariot

            Moonlit Tarot
Start in the body
Moving through life's waterfall
Embodied descent

The Chariot reminds us to keep moving! Exercise reduces stress hormones and releases feel good endorphins in the brain creating an overall sense of well-being, self confidence and peace.  Because you attract what you feel, when you feel good, you invite blessings into your life.  Regular physical activity can better your lfie in a variety of ways. It can enhance your physical and psychological well-being and reduce the risk of obesity and other conditions.  When it comes to manifestation, excercise increases the enery flow throught the body whch helps release toxisns and negative emotions.  Whether you walk, run, swim, cycle, dance, kidkbox, clime stairs, or play a sport, being phsycially active will help you feel good about yourself.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The Lovers

         Moonlit Tarot Deck by Meags McGinty
Choices embrace love
Attracted to the angels
Searching for sacred

The Lovers remind us that everyone needs to love and be loved.  Make all of your decisions from a loving place. The Beatles' tune, "All you Need is Love," comes to mind.  Unconditional love of self and others will attract more love into your life.  Love yourself for all of your unique eccentricities, imperfections, and gifts.  Accept yourself for who you are today.  Realize that you are enough, just the way you are.  When setting goals for personal growth and development, do so from a place of love.  Never speak badly of yourself.  Love heals.

Ask yourself if you are truly open to giving and receiving love?  Love only comes when you believe that it exists, when you're open to giving and receiving it, and when you know you are worthy.  You can experience romantic love, familial love, community love, career love, environmental love, and many other great loves in your life.

Tarot for Self-Care: The Hierophant

           Moonlit Tarot Cards by Meags McGinty
Share humanity
We are all part of the dance
Creating culture

The Hierophant represents social spirituality and your connection with humanity.  Make sure that your self-care plan includes spending time with your community, friends, and family.  Humans are social beings!  What do you believe in?  Share your family traditions, cultural beliefs, and individual spiritual practices proudly!  Observe and learn how other people express their spirituality.  Witness the vast diversity and beauty in humanity.  By understanding how other people connect with the divine, you become more tolerant, accepting, worldly, and connected to the universe.  It is important to keep a positive view of humanity.  This positive outlook is essential to loving your life and yourself.  "Power is not personal.  It can only come from a tradition, one with great meaning and deep roots." (Pollack, Tarot Wisdom, 76).

Consider the traditions that you practice including the holidays you observe, the mottos you recite, and the ways you greet others.  What beliefs and values do they honor?  Would you want to change or update any of these traditions?  With your community create new traditions and rituals to honor community values and beliefs.  You could organize an annual parade, create an organizational motto, or make a secret handshake.  Interactions based on shared beliefs and common interests reinforce our social fabric.  By acknowledging and honoring our connection to community and humanity we can confront conflict from a position of strength, consideration, and respect.