Monday, June 2, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The Lovers

         Moonlit Tarot Deck by Meags McGinty
Choices embrace love
Attracted to the angels
Searching for sacred

The Lovers remind us that everyone needs to love and be loved.  Make all of your decisions from a loving place. The Beatles' tune, "All you Need is Love," comes to mind.  Unconditional love of self and others will attract more love into your life.  Love yourself for all of your unique eccentricities, imperfections, and gifts.  Accept yourself for who you are today.  Realize that you are enough, just the way you are.  When setting goals for personal growth and development, do so from a place of love.  Never speak badly of yourself.  Love heals.

Ask yourself if you are truly open to giving and receiving love?  Love only comes when you believe that it exists, when you're open to giving and receiving it, and when you know you are worthy.  You can experience romantic love, familial love, community love, career love, environmental love, and many other great loves in your life.

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