Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The Hanged Man

            Moonlit Tarot
Flipping faces up
Suspend the will to control
Freely give release

The Hanged Man This card indicates a need to take a time out from your busy schedule and the hustle and bustle of life. Perhaps you have been working too hard or you have a lot going on. maybe you have been tired, irritable and anxious or just generally feeling unwell.  If you have been under stress of any kind or have been spending time in a negative or toxic environment, you must remove yourself from the situation to heal and recharge.  Consider taking a day off.  Turn off your electronics.  Relax your body and your mind by soaking in a hot bath, taking a walk in nature, reading a good book, or listening to music.  Unwind, center yourself, and feel a sense of renewal

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