Saturday, May 24, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The Empress

          Moonlit Tarot Cards
Nature's healthy home
Breath in beauty, abundance
sweet blessings to you

The Empress represents Mother Nature.  She offers limitless opportunities to experience the rich and abundant world we share.  The Empress reminds us to say yes to life.  Have an open mind and an open heart.  Find excitement and joy in starting new endeavors.  Take an adventure outside.  Connect with nature.  Take pleasure in all of the things that bless your everyday life.  Pamper yourself and enjoy simple comforts.  Tap into your feminine energy and your receptivity to the world around you.  Take time to nurture others and yourself.  Do something sweet for someone you care about.  Approach the world with soft motherly care.

Tap into the natural world as a source of energy, guidance, and healing.  Honor Mother Earth as a living, breathing entity, and recognize that we are privileged to be here as her guests.  Find ways to honor nature each day by recycling, using environmentally friendly products, trying organic products, growing your own food, or cleaning up natural habitats.  By recognizing and appreciating your connection with nature, the Animal Kingdom, and Mother Earth, you align yourself with the universe and the essence of  your soul.

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