Saturday, May 24, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The Emperor

           Moonlit Tarot Deck

Strong hands holding time
And the empire responds
Stand on stable ground

The Emperor encourages us to have structure and organization. Now is the time to introduce structure and stick to a schedule.  Set goals and establish timelines to accomplish them.  Following a routine will help you build great things!  Following the rules will ensure that you have solid and sustainable progress.  Be professional and rule your empire with dignity.  Strive to be fair and objective.  Lead by example.  Protect yourself and the things you care about.  

What people, places, and things are stable in your life?  Meditate on these questions.  When times of change, flux, or turmoil approach, you rely on your foundations to bring you stability and return you to your center.  The Emperor has great plans for the future, and he is also prepared for dark days ahead.  He has a strategy for growth and prosperity.  Create your own self-care strategy and put it into practice.  Revisit your strategy periodically and make adjustments as needed.  

Tarot for Self-Care: The Empress

          Moonlit Tarot Cards
Nature's healthy home
Breath in beauty, abundance
sweet blessings to you

The Empress represents Mother Nature.  She offers limitless opportunities to experience the rich and abundant world we share.  The Empress reminds us to say yes to life.  Have an open mind and an open heart.  Find excitement and joy in starting new endeavors.  Take an adventure outside.  Connect with nature.  Take pleasure in all of the things that bless your everyday life.  Pamper yourself and enjoy simple comforts.  Tap into your feminine energy and your receptivity to the world around you.  Take time to nurture others and yourself.  Do something sweet for someone you care about.  Approach the world with soft motherly care.

Tap into the natural world as a source of energy, guidance, and healing.  Honor Mother Earth as a living, breathing entity, and recognize that we are privileged to be here as her guests.  Find ways to honor nature each day by recycling, using environmentally friendly products, trying organic products, growing your own food, or cleaning up natural habitats.  By recognizing and appreciating your connection with nature, the Animal Kingdom, and Mother Earth, you align yourself with the universe and the essence of  your soul.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The High Priestess

      Moonlit Tarot Cards

Intuitive soul
Whisper mysterious words
Call the spirit near

The High Priestess is the Fool's spiritual mother.  She reminds us that as spiritual beings, we have an exciting and mysterious connection with the universe, the source, and the divine.  Spirituality is a journey of discovery and transformation.  Tune into your intuition.  You already have the answers to most of the questions you ask.  “Most of us only access our intuition or ‘gut feeling’ in times of crisis… become more conscious of energy, trust your intuitive skills beyond self-preservation” (Antennucci, Psychic Tarot, 56)

Take time to reflect on your spiritual wisdom in a dark, quiet, and peaceful place.  What are your personal truths?  What do you hold sacred?  Honor the sacred in your life by keeping a journal, building an alter, or creating a ritual which you can revisit to deepen your spiritual connection.

Tarot for Self-Care: The Magician

         Moonlit Tarot Deck
Creating magic
Express yourself in the world
Senses opening

The Magician is the artist who exists inside every person.  You have the power of creativity and the gift of imagination.  Use both of these together to make magic happen!  Express yourself in any and every way you can!  Make some art, play some music, speak your truth.  Invent something new.  Make your mark in the world.  You have wonderful ideas and the ability to make things happen.  Don't wait.  The time is now.  Harness the energy of the universe to turn your ideas into reality.  It is said that magic is found in the mundane.  Open your senses to all of the magic potential constantly surrounding you.  Find creative ways to bring out the magic in everyday life.

Assume the stance of the magician by standing with both feet flat on the ground and both hands reaching up towards the sky.  Feel your feet rooted in the earth.  And feel the strong, stable, earthly energy entering your body.  Visualize the heat from the center of the earth traveling through the earth's core, through layers of rock and dirt, past fossils and roots into the base of your feet and rising.  Reach your hands up to the sky and feel the energy of the infinite space above you.  Imagine the depths of outer space, the stars, the planets, and the asteroids moving together in constellations and cycles.  Imagine this cosmic energy drawing down through the protective ozone layer, through the earth's atmosphere, past the clouds and the wind and entering through your fingertips.  Feel the vast universal energy that you gather and allow it to propel you into creating something wonderful.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tarot for Self-Care: The Fool

          Moonlit Tarot Deck
Trust the universe
Begin spontaneously
Journey with laughter

The Fool signals that it is time to step outside your comfort zone.  Say yes.  Be spontaneous.  Take a leap of faith.  Trust that the universe will provide everything you need.  Dare to dream big and achieve your goals.  Every new beginning starts with the first step.  So don't wait, take that first step right now!  Be young, free, and open-minded.  Enjoy light-hearted fun, good humor, and laughter.  See the positive aspects of any situation.  Have a can-do attitude.  Try something fresh and new.  Learn all that you can learn.  It is okay to feel foolish and make mistakes so do not be afraid to try something different and expand your horizons.  Anything is possible.  There is no place for boredom now because the whole world is yours to explore.

The Fool's dog reminds you to look before you leap.  Take a look at where you are headed.  Be aware of your surroundings and the impact you make.  Be aware of your actions and how they affect others.  Stay loyal to the people and places who helped you start your journey.  Take care of animals and the environment.  Be aware of your intentions and your biases.  Remember that as a human, you are part of the animal kingdom.  On your journey you will gain much wisdom from the civilized world.  But your primal, animal instincts will always be a part of you and they too serve a source of wisdom throughout your life.

Tarot for Self-Care: Introduction

Tarot for Self-Care: An Interactive Guide
By Meags McGinty

This guide introduces a comprehensive self-care system predicated on the symbolism and imagery of tarot.  This is a great resource for anyone interested in self care methods or in a new use for tarot cards.  When you pull a card and gaze upon the colors, symbols, and images, the conscious and unconscious minds work together to creatively interpret the card.  The same card may mean something entirely different to different readers in different situations.  This guide interprets all 78 tarot cards through a self-care lens.  While these interpretations may serve as a helpful guide to read the cards for self-care wisdom, I encourage readers to develop their own interpretations.  Trust your intuition and speak the truth you see, feel, and know from each card.

How to Use this Guide: 
I encourage all readers to start at the beginning to learn a bit about self-care.  You may want to continue by reading this guide straight through all 78 tarot cards and complete a journey self care.  If you have a tarot deck, you may want to pull cards from your deck and consult this guide as a reference for card interpretations.  Finally, there is an index in the back of this guide which may be useful for looking up various themes, challenges, or aspirations you will encounter in your self-care journey.

The Interactive Approach:
If you seek an interactive way to bring your self care journey to life, I encourage you to create a piece of art for each tarot card.  Taking one card at a time, read the interpretation and create a work of art about the self-care tenants of that card.  Work with any art form that you feel activates your spirit and the wisdom of the card.  Save your art to build a comprehensive self-care guide.  If you wish, work on index cards and you will create your very own self-care tarot deck!

What is Self Care?
Self-care is for everyone; it is a way of life.  Self-care is a strategy and a commitment to maintain holistic wellness of your total self: body, mind, and spirit.  Self-care is about you, so your personal self-care plan should be just as unique and vibrant as you are!  Self-care is particularly emphasized in humanitarian and social services fields.  A common phrase advises, "you cannot serve from an empty vessel."  People who commit themselves to serving others often run the risk of neglecting themselves or burning themselves out. Self-care is not selfish when you practice from a position of honesty, integrity, and intentionality.

Everyone has many responsibilities- to family, work, school, community, and the list goes on.  It is important to honor these responsibilities and fulfill them in a balanced manner.  Consider what are your responsibilities to yourself?  Consider your health, your happiness, your individuality and your spirit.  Are you living your present life as the person you want to be?  We don't need to answer this question now; revisit it from time to time for guidance.  As you begin your journey in self-care, take small steps and do what you love.  Honor your self by nurturing your passions.  Let your passions nourish you, guide you, and empower you.

What is Tarot?
Tarot is an historic system for divination.  Traditional tarot decks include 78 cards.  22 of these cards belong to the Major Arcana, which means greater mysteries in Latin.  These cards relate to the grand and spiritual experiences and challenges.  The remaining 56 cards are divided in four suits similarly to standard playing cards.  Traditionally the four suits are Pentacles, Swords, Wands, and Cups.  These Minor Arcana, or lesser mysteries cards relate to day to day experiences and challenges.

About the Author:
I love tarot because it is imbued with mystery, art, history, and magic.  I fell deeply into Tarot during a particularly difficult semester in college.  After spending long days at a demanding internship, attending classes, and conducting research, I needed a personal refuge.  I needed an outlet for my individuality, creativity, and my sense of wonder and whimsy.  I began to study the meanings of tarot cards and illustrating my own set of cards.  The endeavor helped me connect with myself and all of the themes and stories of the universe.  I write this self care guide as a student of Expressive Art Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding.